The papilloma virus can remain in the human body for a long time and not manifest itself in any way. It is activated only when the immune system is weakened. In most cases the infection does not represent a particular danger, but some of its strains, under certain factors, can degenerate into oncological diseases. And this already poses a threat to human life. It is impossible to completely get rid of the pathogenic microorganism. Therefore, it is very important to know how the human papillomavirus is transmitted in order to reduce the risk of HPV infection.
Characteristics of the virus and its transport
Human papillomavirus causes benign neoplasms to form on the skin and mucous membranes. They look like a papilla, which protrudes several millimeters above the surface. As a rule, such growth appears when the body's defenses are weakened. Usually a person lives quietly and doesn't even think "I can be a carrier or not", for the moment. Why do papillomas form:
- hypothermia or frequent overheating;
- presence of concomitant diseases;
- inappropriate feeding;
- presence of bad habits;
- frequent stress, depression, overwork;
- lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
90% of the world's inhabitants are carriers of the papillomavirus. The question immediately arises whether the human papillomavirus is contagious or not. The answer is yes. Nobody is 100% insured against infections. Therefore, it is very important to know how one can get infected with HPV (Human Papillomavirus).
How human papillomavirus is transmitted
Since the probability of contracting HPV is very high, the question often arises as to how the infection (human papillomavirus) is transmitted. Knowing the answer to this question can significantly reduce the risk of infection. Pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted from person to person. These are the most common routes of infection. Contact methods for infection:
- Sexually transmitted HPV pathogen (having sex). Most often, the spread of an oncogenic microorganism occurs in this way. For example, like HPV 16 and 18. Strains of 16 and 18 types are life-threatening, as they can degenerate into oncological diseases.
- Contact methods of infection. You can infect a person by touching him, hugging him, kissing him. The virus enters the body through damage, microcracks in the skin. Therefore, it is not necessary to get in close contact with people if you observe a wart on their body (if you doubt it is contagious).
Transmission paths can also be domestic. How can you get an infection (papilloma) like this:

- through personal hygiene products (towel, washcloth, toothbrush, etc. );
- human papillomavirus can be transmitted through clothing (infection occurs through lesions on the skin);
- infection can occur in public toilets, saunas (the pathogen can be on the floor, benches, etc. ).
The disease is not hereditary. However, even a newborn can become infected. How can a child contract papilloma:
- during intrauterine development from an infected mother;
- through the birth canal at the time of birth.
Pregnant women need to be very careful to avoid infecting or activating a pathogen.After all, not only their health depends on it, but also on the life of the child.
Human papilloma (HPV), how it is transmitted: Infection can occur in medical centers, hairdressing salons, beauty salons due to insufficient sterilization of instruments. This happens extremely rarely, because such institutions, as a rule, meet all health standards, but there is still a place to stay.
An infected person may not even have noticed. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo routine diagnostic tests annually. How the infection occurs has now become clear. Thanks to this, it is possible to take preventive measures and avoid infection.
Sexual method
Previously, we found out how you can get infected with a benign neoplasm (papillomavirus). It has become clear that most of the time HPV is transmitted through intimacy (sexually). Also, you can get infected with all kinds of sex (vaginal, oral, anal). Papilloma through intimate (sexual) contact is transmitted by contact of mucous membranes, if they are damaged.Furthermore, the risk of infection is greater with anal sex, as it is more traumatic.

Considering that the risk of infection increases during intimate contact, the question arises: is it possible to have sex with HPV if a partner has it? Also, during sexual intercourse, an infection with oncogenic strains of the virus often occurs.
Sex with HPV is acceptable. But during this time you should always use barrier contraception (condoms). According to statistics, protection helps to avoid infection in men and women in 2 out of 3 cases. Without contraception, the risk of infection rises to 90%. If one of the people who enter into intimacy is infected, it is necessary to regularly undergo a diagnostic examination for the oncogenicity of the pathogen (a healthy partner for the presence of HPV).
However, undesirable phenomena can occur during sexual intercourse, even with a contraceptive. During sex, growth can be impaired. As a result, another infection or blood poisoning can occur in the wound. In addition, the damage to the neoplasm can cause it to degenerate into a neoplasm. Therefore,appears to have sexual intercourse during HPV treatment is not desirable.If you do, be very careful. But it is even better to have a connection only after the treatment. Sex life after papilloma removal is less risky.
It is believed that the papillomavirus can be activated by masturbation. Presumably, this is an inadequate ratio, as a result of which hormonal disruptions and weakening of the immune system occur. This opinion is wrong. Masturbation does not affect the protective functions of the body in any way.
For oral sex
HPV can be transmitted from woman to man and vice versa through oral sex. This occurs through microdamages on the skin and mucous membranes. Through oral sex, HPV strains are passed on more often, which can degenerate into cancer.
A condom for oral sex only reduces the risk of infection if a blowjob is performed. With cunnilingus in 90% of cases the infection cannot be avoided.
Is the human papillomavirus transmitted from mother to child?
As adults are more often infected with the papillomavirus, we understand this. Now it is necessary to understand whether the human papillomavirus is transmitted from the mother to her baby, how it happens and what is the risk for the babies.
In a newborn, infection can manifest itself by touching and kissing the mother, if she is a carrier of the pathogenic microorganism. The infection enters the baby's body through damage to the skin or mucous membranes.
Infection can also occur during fetal development. From an infected woman to her fetus. Also, infection can occur during childbirth. Although rare, it has dire consequences.

Through the kiss and the blood
How human papillomavirus infection is transmitted:
- through saliva;
- through a kiss;
- through the blood.
The question immediately arises, if HPV is transmitted through kissing, can you kiss a person who is infected? This decision is up to you. If you are 100% sure that there is no damage (even microscopic) in your oral cavity, kissing is perfectly acceptable. However, this is a rather risky decision. There may be lesions in your mouth that you don't feel and are not even aware of.
The possibility of human papillomavirus infection through the blood has not been scientifically proven. There have been cases where infection occurred during transfusion.However, this is not proof that the pathogen can be transmitted in this way.Perhaps the infection in these cases occurred through poorly sterilized instruments.
Family path
In 85-90% of cases, it is possible to become infected through the family when one of the family members becomes infected.Pathogenic microorganisms at home are very often transmitted from parents to children. The baby's immunity is not yet strong and therefore the baby is more susceptible to infections. Domestic infection can occur as follows:
- if there is skin damage, infection can occur through the use of shared sheets, towels, washcloths, soap, cosmetics and hugs;
- through saliva, you can get infected using a plate, a toothbrush, kissing with a virus carrier;
- when wearing the clothes of an infected person (especially underwear);
- in a home environment, self-infection can occur during shaving, epilation.
In addition, infection in public places is a common way of transmission of the pathogen. For example, in the swimming pool, steam room, sauna. And also with frequent handshakes and friendly hugs.
How not to be infected with the papillomavirus
How not to contract HPV (human papillomavirus):
- avoid frequent changes of sexual partners;
- protect yourself during intimacy;
- don't use other people's things;
- do not wear other people's clothes;
- avoid visiting public baths, saunas, swimming pools (or at least bring a personal towel, changing shoes);
- do not drink drinks or eat food from infected people;
- carefully approach the choice of cosmetology, clinic, hairdresser (you need to be sure that all the rules of sterilization are followed in the institution);
- Do not get in close contact with virus carriers.
If you develop papillomas, see your doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostics, determine the strain of the pathogen and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.
A condom protects
If either partner has HPV, a condom must be used during sexual intercourse. However, a contraceptive is not a 100% guarantee that the infection will not be passed on. Obviously, the pathogenwill not be able to break through the condom, but the infection can happen differently.
Infection can occur during foreplay. Through microcracks in the skin or mouth. In this case, a barrier contraceptive will not save.
Methods of treatment
If you are a carrier of HPV, the infection may be latent in your body and not causing any problems.To prevent growth on the body, it is necessary to monitor the state of the immune system.The stronger it is, the lower the risk of tumor formation.
If growths occur, your doctor may advise you not to take any action (provided that the papillomas do not cause discomfort and do not have an oncogenic strain). If the decision has been made to get rid of neoplasms, then, as a rule, this is done by conservative methods. If drug treatment does not give a therapeutic result or there is a risk of papilloma degeneration into an oncological disease, surgical intervention is prescribed (if there are no contraindications for this).